What is rugby?

Think about if American Football and European Football met up, enjoyed each other’s company, had a sports baby, and that baby became a widely played sport - you’d have rugby! The rules aren’t too important right now but the basics: pass backwards, tackle, and don’t give up possession.

What do I need to play?

Luckily, rugby has a low bar for entry:
- Cleats!
- Mouthguard!

Is it gonna hurt?

Sometimes. But usually not too bad and your teammate will for sure help you back up if you get knocked down a little hard.

I’ve never played before…can i join?

Totally! We accept new folks year round - whether you’ve played before or not. Check out our Team Leadership and reach out to our Rookie Coordinator J or reach out on social media!

We are happy to help answer the odd question, honest concern, and pleasant inquiry.